Meet Our Team
Our tight-knit team, part of American Councils for International Education, works with scholarship exchange students (aged 15-18) from more than 50 countries on programs funded by the U.S. government. If you host a student with American Councils, we will be with you throughout the year to help answer any questions and make sure that your experience is both enjoyable and unforgettable!
Contact Benjamin
No stranger to the exchange experience himself, Benjamin has been with American Councils since 1995 and now oversees the entire team, including our network of local coordinators throughout the U.S. During high school and university, Benjamin was an exchange student in Russia; since then, he has traveled extensively throughout Eurasia, as well as lived and traveled in Latin America.
Today Benjamin works on issues that affect the entire sphere of global exchange. From advocacy to seeking new partners, you’ll hear from Benjamin mostly with respect to issues that have an impact on the world of exchange, both across the US and in your community, as well as new avenues for programming. If you are interested in supporting our bright, young, international students in your community (whether you are a small business owner or a leader in an organization with a complementary mission or goal), Benjamin is happy to hear from you.
Benjamin has a BA in Russian from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and received his MS in Conflict Analysis and Resolution from George Mason University. He is a fluent speaker of Russian, Spanish, and Dutch.
Contact Amanda
Amanda’s high school study abroad experience in Nice, France sparked a lifelong interest in exchange programs. In March 2013, she joined the International Student Support Team originally as a Program Assistant. During the next nine years, she worked mostly on student support and placement, along with student re-entry workshops, materials development, and Local Coordinator training.
As Program Manager, Amanda now primarily works on grants management and compliance for both American Councils and subgrantee partner organizations. She also provides guidance on escalated student support cases.
Amanda received her MA in Social Anthropology overseas from the University of Manchester in Manchester, England. Prior to graduate school, she received her BA in History and International Studies from the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, during which time she also studied abroad at the University of Sussex in Brighton, England.
Contact Kelly
Kelly oversees and manages the recruitment and training of host families and local coordinators for high school exchange students coming to the U.S. for year-long programs. Previously at American Councils, she served as a Senior Enhancement Team Specialist, facilitating Civic Education Weeks for the FLEX and YES Programs and teaching during the YES DC Orientations. Before joining American Councils, Kelly worked at Youth For Understanding (YFU) for 8 years, seeking host families for exchange students in Maryland, Washington DC, Delaware, and Virginia.
Kelly is an alumnus of Ursinus College, holding a B.A. in International Relations with a focus on Politics and History. She also earned an M.A. in International Education with a focus on Public Diplomacy from the University of Maryland. Kelly worked at Walt Disney World from 2011-2012 and enjoys hiking, yoga, baking, baseball, and soaking up the sun in Florida. Kelly studied abroad in Seville, Spain, which inspired her career in international education. Originally from Baltimore, Maryland, she has a passion for cultural exchange and education.
Contact Charlescia
Charlescia has been interested in all areas of culture for as long as she can remember, eating from different restaurants, visiting global cultural fairs, and learning from peers and their families. During her junior year of high school, Charlescia got the opportunity to study abroad for two weeks in Paris, France and finished the trip in Barcelona, Spain. This trip was the confirmation of her desire to study International Business in school, while in undergraduate she also studied abroad in Peru and Belgium.
In Spring 2022, Charlescia moved from Florida to join the International Student Support Team. She works on Local Coordinator and host family outreach, social media, placement, and student support.
Charlescia received her MBA in International Business from Florida International University and her BS in International Business focused Marketing from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro.
Contact Elaine
Elaine’s interest in international education, travel, and exchange programs started after her time spent studying abroad in Aix-En-Provence, France with The Institute for American Universities (IAU) while in college. Elaine has always wanted to be a part of something larger than herself and realized through her own experiences the best way to broaden your perspectives and learn thoroughly is through immersion in another culture.
She joined the International Student Support Team in spring 2022 and is responsible primarily for monitoring (including monthly reports and VIP calls) and finance.
Elaine earned her BA at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University in International Studies World Policy and Politics with a concentration and minors in French and Classical Studies.
Contact Heidi
Born in New Delhi, India, to a family who regularly hosted international guests, Heidi developed a life-long passion for cross-cultural learning. This passion has driven her career, leading her to work and travel in Haiti, India, China, and Senegal as well as host Haitian delegations in her home. Heidi’s commitment to cross-cultural understanding deepened when her family hosted international students: two YES exchange students from Egypt (2013/14) and Cameroon (2019/20) and another from China (2015/16). Most recently, Heidi’s work with i am We Global Village in Madison, WI included facilitating workshops in restorative practice and educational approaches that center cross-cultural awareness.
Heidi brings her host family experience to the role of Program Officer, supporting local coordinators, host families and students to ensure an enriching exchange year for all involved.
Heidi earned her BA in Political Science from Hope College in Holland, MI before working for U.S. Representative William Ford and her Master’s in Teaching Secondary Social Studies from American University in Washington, D.C.
Contact Leanne
Leanne has had an interest in international things as long as she can remember. Her Cajun step-grandmother inspired a love of the French language, which she started studying in elementary school. In high school and college, she always wanted to be friends with the exchange students at her schools, While in college, she had the opportunity to travel to Russia, which was an eye-opening experience and further inspired her love of international cultures and the desire to learn more.
In 2016, she hosted her first exchange student. This was such an amazing experience that she decided to become an LC to be able to help students find amazing families and families have the life changing opportunity of hosting. She is excited to be able to help coordinators across the country and wants to inspire more people to love exchange!
Leanne earned a BS in biology with minors in chemistry and history, from the University of the Ozarks. She is currently working on a graduate certificate in Public Administration from Liberty University.